Saturday 2 March 2013

Thursday 3 January 2013


 Last year I got hold of the book: Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form by Paul Jackson. There are some beautiful paper folds inside some which I am not sure I will ever be able to do despite the step by step guides, I did however manage to create some of the simple folds. Despite being fairly simple to do I thought they looked lovely so decided to try out photographing some at different angles...

Sunday 9 December 2012


We recently borrowed a film scanner from some friends and discovered it also scans slides. My parents have boxes of old slides from my Grandma and asked me to scan some for them. I love slides, there is something really nice about them, the colours are so vivid, also I just really like looking at old photographs. These were some of my favourites.

Monday 19 November 2012

365 Knitting Clock...

First off, appologies for the lack of blogging...again! Struggling to find time these days. I do have a lot of things built up so expect a lot of blogs soon! Secondonly I came across this wonderful piece of design recently. A clock that slowly knits a scarf...over 365 days it will knit a 2m long scarf so it also works as a kind of calender! I love the idea but also just really love the look of the thing, my flat is in need of one of these! Please see Siren Elise Wilhelmsen's website for more wonderful designs...

Sunday 30 September 2012

Coffee, courtesy of Christoph Niemann...

I came across this blog post a while ago, it has to be one my favourite blog posts I have come across since becoming a blog poster and reader. Ever since the discovery I have been hooked to the Abstract Sunday Blog presented on the New York times website as well as the wonderful work of Christoph Niemann. I just wish he would blog more often...not that I can talk??!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Lonely New York Bike...

My boyfriend was in New York recently with work (lucky bugger!) and noticed amongst the streets that there are also some lonely bikes so he kindly took some pictures for me. Photographs courtesy of Andy Mackie

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Donna Wilson is one of my favourite Designers and for my birthday I received one of her 'Make your own Monster kits' which I was delighted with. Now my birthday was about 9 months ago...did I mention I had been busy...I just recently decided to take it out and turn it into a Monster.

One of the great things about these kits, and one of the reasons why I love Donna Wilson is that she provides you with a selection of scraps from her studio. Last bits of material, scrap bits of felts...better giving it a new life than just throwing it away plus it make each kit completely individual.

One of the pieces is pre-stitched into a Monster shape, you just have to trim it down turn it inside out then start playing around with ideas.

I decided to keep mine fairly simple and just played around with the felt pieces. I added a bit of stitching for detail and attached the majority of it together with gold old bond'a'web.

Once finished he was looking good but a little need of eating some stuffing (thankfully also provided).

All stuffed and stitched up he is finished, just needs a name...